My leather paints came last week, so this weekend my leather crafting got an upgrade.
Right now I'm just painting pieces, but these will eventually turn into pen pouches and other things. I've learned a lot since I started sewing leather pieces a few weeks ago, but I still have a lot to learn here!

This was my first test. The intention was to get a feel for the paint, and I planned to go over the white in gold...but I'm not sure that'll actually happen. Either way, I made a good amount of progress on that, and then moved on to the already-cut pen pouch pieces I had waiting.

These should be ready to be sealed today, so hopefully the beige/turquoise will turn into a pouch by this weekend.
Yesterday I managed to get in about four-five hours of painting, so I have two more pieces ready to be cut and made into something, and a third that is on the way!