Leather Pouches
I'm not sure how I wound up down this particular internet rabbit hole, but recently I spent few hours looking at leather pouches for fountain pens. There are so many of them! They are so pretty! Some are personalized, or in amazing colors, and - well, as I was trying...
Halloween Monster Takeover
About a year ago, I made a monster doll for my soon-to-be baby cousin. It turned out to be one of her favorites, so when I got a text saying: "I'm going to need more of these," I knew there would be more monster dolls in my future. Then I...
Ren Faire Time!
It’s Renaissance Faire time, which means I’ve spent the last month putting off making anything, and now I’m marathon-sewing until we go! We have enough costumes for the adults, but my niece has grown too much to fit into her dress from last year, so she needs a new one. ...
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